
Orientation desk

The orientation desk supports the student during the important choice of the study program, giving him/her all the necessary information to take an aware choice. For further information you can contact the orientation delegates for incoming students, the Professor Claudia Espro (claudia.espro@unime.it) and the Professor Elpida Piperopoulos (elpidapiperopoulos@unime.it). 

Talk to us

Book an online or an in-person appointment with us. We will be glad to answer to your questions, welcome you at our premises and to guide you through the discovery of our laboratories. 


  • Professor Elpida Piperopoulos (Orientation and Tutoring Delegate);
  • Professor Claudia Espro (Orientation and Tutoring Delegate);
  • Professor Orazio Pellegrino (Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Degree Program);
  • Professor Salvatore De Caro (Coordinator of the Electronic and Computer Engineering Degree Program);
  • Professor Vincenzo Crupi (Coordinator of the Navigation Sciences and Technologies Degree Program);
  • Professor Sebastian Brusca (Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering Degree Program);
  • Professor Maria Francesca Milazzo (Coordinator of the Management Engineering Degree Program);
  • Professor Alessandro Pistone (Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Degree Program).


Every year, educational specialist tutors and informational tutors are assigned to the Department. You can contact them by Teams and adjust according to your needs. For any doubts regarding when to seek support from the specialist tutor, you can always turn to the instructors of the courses where the tutors are active.

Brochures and Guides

Do you want to know which degree programs the Department of Engineering offers you?

What subjects will you study and what job prospects does your future degree provide?

Consult the brochures and guides below to view the Study Programs and the opportunities for collaboration with leading companies in the Engineering sectors.

Complete the questionnaire to inform us about your choices: what kind of engineer will you be?