Academic Calendar and Class Schedule

Class Schedule A.Y. 2024-2025 1st semester:

Notices about start of lessons 

  • Ingegneria Civile Master's Degree: 

    lessons of "Idrologia" with Prof. Bonaccorso will begin on September 19

  • Ingegneria Civile Degree Course

    lesson scheduled for day 16 of "Idraulica" with Prof. Iuppa will not be held;

    lessons of "Fundamentals of hydraulics of natural systems" with Prof. Faraci will begin on September 23 ;

    lessons of "Architettura tecnica" and lessons of "Building construction" wiyh Prof. Fabio Minutoli will begin on September 26.

    Start of lessons of "Geometria e Algebra" and "Mathematical analysis II" is postponed to a date to be determined due to the assignment of contract teachers.

  • Scienze e Logistica del Trasporto Marittimo ed Aereo Master's Degree:  

    lesson scheduled for day 16 of "Idraulica e idrografia" with Prof. Iuppa will not be held

  • Ingegneria Gestionale Degree Course: 

    Start of lessons of "Controllo di gestione e analisi dei costi" is postponed to a date to be determined due to the assignment of contract teachers.

  • Ingegneria Gestionale Master's Degree

    Start of lessons of "Sistemi informativi avanzati per il business" is postponed to a date to be determined due to the assignment of a contract teacher.

  • Ingegneria Industriale Degree Course: 

    lessons of "Fisica tecnica" with Prof. Prestipino will start on Friday, September 20;

    lessons of "Management dei processi industriale" with Prof. Primerano will start on Wednesday, September 25.

  • Engineering in Computer Science Master's Degree

    lessons of "Managing innovation and entrepreneurship" with Prof. Alba Marino will start on Wednesday, September 25;

    lessos of "Dependable computing modeling and simulation" with Prof. Marco Lucio Scarpa willa start on Wednesday, September 18.

    There in also a temporary change about classroom: on September 18, 19 and 20  lessons will be held in classroom 314.

  • Scienze e Tecnologie della Navigazione Degree Course: 

    lessons of "Diritto aeronautico" with Prof. Ingatoci Scorciapini will start on Thursday, September 26.

  • Ingegneria Biomedica Degree Course:

    lessons of "Fisiologia umana" with Prof. Casile will start on next week (from September 23 to 27).
