Please note: you can fill in english form, but you must fill also in italian form for validity
Please note: you can fill in english form, but you must fill also in italian form for validity.
Traineeship with companies, public and private organizations and professional associations:
- Istanza di Stage o di tirocinio presso imprese, enti, ordini professionali - Application for Stage or Traineeship with companies, public and private organizations and professional associations
- Registro presenze - Attendance sheet
- Attestato con valutazione fine Stage o Tirocinio esterno - Certificate of completion with evaluation for Stage and Traineeship
Internship at University facilities/ Additional activities
- Istanza di tirocinio presso strutture dell'Ateneo - Application for Internship at University facilities
- Registro presenze - Attendance sheet
- Attestato con valutazione tirocinio presso Unime.pdf - Certificate of completion with evaluation for Internship at Unime
Please note that before starting the traineeship every student is required to attend a mandatory occupational health and safety course provided by the University of Messina. For more information, please consult the dedicated notice (2025).
For updates, refer to Mrs. Rosaria Greco or Mr. Massimo Allegra from the academic department office.
For further information, please visit the COP (Orientation and Placement center) website.
For companies, public and private organizations and professional associations you can see: Traineeship