Mandatory occupational health and safety course

Mandatory occupational health and safety course in accordance with articles 36 and 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments.

In order to comply with the current regulations regarding mandatory training, all students, including those who possess other safety certifications not issued by the University of Messina, are invited to participate to the mandatory general training course titled “Training module for students on Occupational Safety”.

The University of Messina, accredited by the Regional Department for Health activities and the Epidemiological Observatory of the Health Department (DASOE), and included in the Regional List of Training Entities according to D.A. no. 1432/2019, provides the mandatory training activity which lasts 4 hours. This last foresees a final test to assess the student’s preparation. The entire process will be conducted online at the following address:

To access the Moodle platform, students must use their individual institutional credentials ( 

Once the course has ended and the student successfully passes the final test, it will be possible to download the attendance certificate directly from the platform. This certificate is valid under Legislative Decree 81/2008 and it has a duration of 5 years. It is preparatory and necessary for participating in traineeships, attending educational laboratories and taking training courses for specific risks.

PhD candidates can recover their institutional credentials as students by logging in to the Esse3 website. There, they can enter and proceed to reset their password. 

Fellows and research associates who don’t have an email address ending in must indicate their names and the corresponding email address format ( to the Research Operational Unit of their respective department. This is necessary to get access to the platform and the mandatory training activity.